CTPAT Breakdown: 9.14

Item 9.14

If camera systems are deployed, cameras should have an alarm/notification feature, which would signal a “failure to operate/record” condition.

Implementation Guidelines

A failure of video surveillance systems could be the result of someone disabling the system in order to breach a supply chain without leaving video evidence of the crime.
The failure to operate feature can result in an electronic notification sent to predesignated person(s) notifying them that the device requires immediate attention.

This is a SHOULD requirement for CTPAT.

Any security system should alert on tampering.


Using a Network Management System (NMS) would be a must to alert on “missing” devices. Use of SNMP may be an option with IP cameras and other IP access control devices.

A camera recording system should alert on a missing camera or lack of recording ability.

IP cameras from Axis support notification on several events such as:

  • power on
  • tampering
  • “black out” – spray painted lens cover
  • SD card failure

Manual inspection of camera recording equipment on a daily basis will also catch these events.

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